Voting Record -- October 25, 2021

I was happy to receive presentations about the importance of Amherstburg's heritage properties and the Community Safety and Well Being-Plan for Windsor-Essex. Here's how I voted on Oct. 25, 2021:


6.1 Heritage White Paper - THRIVE Group

That the delegation be received.


7.1 Community Safety and Well Being Plan (CSWB) - Leonardo Gil, Social Policy and Planning Division, City of Windsor

That the delegation be received and that the Council of the Town of Amherstburg AUTHORIZE Essex County Council to approve the Windsor-Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan and any subsequent reports as required on behalf of the municipality.


8.1 Amendments to the Annual Vacation – Non Union Policy

That the Annual Vacation – Non Union Policy BE AMENDED as detailed in the report of October 5, 2021, entitled Amendments to the Annual Vacation – Non Union Policy.


10.1 Kingsbridge Subdivision - Knobb Hill Drive Phase 2 (Whelan Avenue to Welsh Avenue) - Assumption of Infrastructure

That: 1. The recommendations in the letter regarding Kingsbridge Development Knobb Hill Drive Phase 2 dated October 7, 2021 from the consulting engineer, Baird AE BE ACCEPTED; and,
2. The surface asphalt for Kingsbridge Subdivision - Knobb Hill Drive Phase 2 (Whelan Avenue to Welsh Avenue) BE ACCEPTED and ASSUMED

10.2 Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7A/9A - Acceptance and Assumption of Infrastructure – Placement of Infrastructure on Maintenance

That: 1. The recommendations in the letter regarding Kingsbridge Development Phase 7A/9A dated October 7, 2021 from the consulting engineer, Baird AE BE ACCEPTED;
2. The base asphalt and curbs for Kingsbridge Subdivision – Phase 7A/9A BE ACCEPTED and ASSUMED; and,
3. The surface asphalt BE PLACED on a 1-year maintenance period, commencing October 5, 2021.

10.3 Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 8A - Acceptance and Assumption of Infrastructure

That: The recommendations in the letter regarding Kingsbridge Development Phase 8A dated October 7, 2021 from the consulting engineer, Baird AE BE ACCEPTED;
2. The surface asphalt along Lavers Crescent from Brown Street northerly, Mullen Crescent, Patten Crescent and Davis Street BE ACCEPTED AND ASSUMED as outlined in the report; and,
3. The sidewalk along Lavers Crescent from Brown Street northerly, BE ACCEPTED AND ASSUMED as outlined in the report.

10.4 Placement of Underground Infrastructure, Curbs and Base Asphalt on Maintenance – Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10B-D

That: The recommendations in the letter regarding Kingsbridge Development Phase 10B-D dated October 7, 2021 from the consulting engineer, Baird AE BE ACCEPTED; and,
2. The underground infrastructure, base asphalt and curbs for Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10B-D BE PLACED on a 1-year maintenance period, commencing October 5, 2021.

10.5 Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10C - Placement of Underground Infrastructure, Curbs and Base Asphalt on Maintenance

That: The recommendations in the letter regarding Kingsbridge Development Phase 10C dated October 7, 2021 from the consulting engineer, Baird AE BE ACCEPTED; and,
2. The underground infrastructure, base asphalt and curbs for Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10C BE PLACED on a 1-year maintenance period, commencing October 5, 2021.

 10.6 Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 9B – Acceptance and Assumption of Underground Infrastructure

The recommendations in the letter regarding Kingsbridge Development – Phase 9B dated October 7, 2021 from the consulting engineer, Baird AE BE ACCEPTED;
2. The underground infrastructure, base asphalt and curbs for Kingsbridge Subdivision – Phase 9B BE ACCEPTED AND ASSUMED; and,
3. The surface asphalt BE PLACED on a 1-year maintenance period, commencing October 5, 2021.


11.1 Zoning By-law Amendment- 7751 Howard Avenue

That: 1. By-law 2021-056 being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 1999-52, to amend the zoning for the subject lands known 7751 Howard Avenue, be taken as having been read three times and
finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.


12.1 Policy Amendments

That: 1. The following policies BE AMENDED as detailed in the report of October 18, 2021:
a. The Corporate Cheque Acceptance Policy;
b. The Corporate Cheque Issuance Policy; and,
c. The Rural Mailbox Policy


13.1 Monthly Fire Department Activity Report-September 2021

That: 1. The September 2021 monthly activity reports for Fire Services from the Fire Chief BE RECEIVED for information.


Resolution # 20211025-337

That the following consent correspondence BE RECEIVED:

1. Support for Open Air – Amherstburg Chamber of Commerce
2. Good Roads Board of Directors Call for Nominations
3. AMO Policy Update – OMPF Allocations and LTC Development Call
4. Ontario Energy Board Notice to Customers of Enbridge Gas Inc.


15.1 Town of Tecumseh Resolution in Support of Reliable Broadband High Speed Internet Service

That: 1. The Town of Amherstburg SUPPORT the resolutions of the Town of Essex and the Tecumseh regarding Rural Broadband High Speed Internet Access and calling upon the Province of Ontario
to deem broadband internet as an essential service and to provide support to all municipalities so that all residents of Ontario can have access to broadband as an integral part of their
daily lives;
2. A letter requesting support BE SENT to the Honorable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and all local municipalities;
3. The Towns' of Tecumseh and Essex resolutions BE CIRCULATED to the Rural Broadband Advisory Committee for information.


17.1 Amherstburg Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - September 21, 2021

That: 1. The Amherstburg Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of September 21, 2021 BE RECEIVED;
2. That Council ENDORSE the use of any type of renewal energies that can be incorporated into existing buildings and the incorporation of renewable energies into any new builds that the
municipality shall undertake to construct;
3. Administration BE DIRECTED to investigate what local and comparator municipalities are doing regarding providing environmental implications of their recommendations; and,
4. The Adopt-a-Highway County Program BE ENDORSED by Council and seek enhancements in areas near waterways, such as, creeks, drainage and the lake.

17.2 Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - October 7, 2021

That: 1. The Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 BE RECEIVED;
2. When developing a new structure for the Town of Amherstburg Administration BE DIRECTED that it include a position for a qualified Economic Development Officer and that the same BE
REFERRED to the 2022 Budget Deliberations;
3. Funding to support the creation of an Economic Development Officer position BE INCLUDED in the budget deliberations for 2022;
4. Should the proposed Economic Development Officer position be approved in the 2022 Operating Budget, the position SERVE as the staff liaison to the Economic Development Advisory Committee;
5. The Proposed 2022 Budget INCLUDE funding to create an actionable business plan for the Belle Vue building and property; and,
6. Funding BE PROPOSED in the 2022 budget to provide safe public access (in phases if necessary) for the increased visibility of the Belle Vue.

17.3 Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - October 19, 2021

That: 1. The Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of October 19, 2021 BE RECEIVED;
2. Administration BE DIRECTED to reach out to Diageo and Wolfhead Distilleries within one month regarding what may be required to expand operations or facilitate the success of their business;
3. A position BE CONSIDERED in the 2022 Budget Deliberations for a Communications Officer for the Town of Amherstburg to enhance the promotion, marketing and support of Amherstburg's local businesses as recommended in the Service Delivery Review; and,
4. A Business Development Process BE CREATED and mapped for businesses interested in the Town of Amherstburg to be dealt with in a timely manner by Administration to ensure success in securing new business opportunities.


Resolution # 20211025-342

That the following By-laws BE ADOPTED:
1. By-law 2021-066 – Appoint Treasurer
2. By-law 2021-058 – Appoint Clerk and Deputy Clerks
3. By-law 2021-063 – Confirmatory By-law
